Friday, October 15, 2010

Food Supply

Important Terms

Food security: This expression means that every person in a given area has a daily access to enough nutritious food to have an active and healthy life.
Food insecurity: The opposite of the first one. There are not enough food supply or simply people have not the needed resources to access them.

Food consumed doesn't provide enough energy
Food has enpugh nergy but lacks nutrients, vitamins, proteins  and minerals
Food consumes has an excess of energy than the one needed and used

Basic Nutrients which cause malnutrition:

Vitamin A
Blindness and children become prone to infection
Afects metabolism processes and causes stunted growth and may lead to goiter
Anemia, fatigue , risks of infection and increases risk for hemorrhage in labor.

Famine: A famine is a situation of severe shortage of food supply in an area accompanied by mass starvation, many deaths, economic chaos, and social disruption. 

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